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Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a setup package?

Our setup packages include the setup file.

How do I install the setup files?

After purchasing, you'll receive an email with the setup file or you will be redirected to the temporary download link. Simply download the file and place it in your iRacing setups folder (Documents/iRacing/setups/[car name]). If you encounter any difficulties, our support team is available 24/7 in our Discord channel.

Do your setups work for all skill levels?

Probably, but we don't make any promises.

How often are setups updated?

We update our setups after each major game patch or physics change.

What if the setup doesn't work for my driving style?

We understand that every driver is unique! If you find that a setup doesn't match your driving style, reach out on our discord and someone from the community should be able to help you out.

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